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सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के

सूचना के अधिकार के अंतर्गत प्रकटन / RTI Disclosure


स्वप्रेरणा से आरटीआई एक्ट, 2005 के सैक्शन 4 क्रियान्वयन के तहत – गाईडलाईन्स जारी करने के संबंध में। / Implementation of suo motu disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Issue of guidelines regarding


सार्वजनिक प्राधिकरण की ओर से अधिकतम प्रकटीकरण सुनिश्चित करने के संबंध में। / Ensure maximum disclosure on the part of the Public Authority


भारतीय कानून संस्थान (डीम्ड यूनिवर्सिटी), नई दिल्ली द्वारा आयोजित मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय की पारदर्शिता लेखापरीक्षा रिपोर्ट / Transparency Audit Report of MHRD conducted by the Indian Law Institute (Deemed University), New Delhi

सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के अंतर्गत चाही गई जानकारी



दूरभाष /ईमेल


अपर आयुक्त (प्रशासन) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी

011-26855532  ईमेल

श्री यू एन खवारे

अपर आयुक्त (शैक्षिक) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी

011-26533749 ईमेल

रिक्त संयुक्त आयुक्त (वित्त) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26528351, ईमेल:
डाशचीकांत संयुक्त आयुक्त (कार्मिक) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26858565,  ईमेल
डा.(श्रीमति) वी विजयालक्ष्मी संयुक्त आयुक्त (प्रशा.) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26532643, ईमेल: ,
श्री एस विजय कुमार संयुक्त आयुक्त (शैक्षिक) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26569100, ईमेल
डा. . प्रभाकर संयुक्त आयुक्त (प्रशिक्षण) एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26965154, ईमेल
श्री टी एस गिरी अधीक्षक अभियंता एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी 011-26855864, ईमेल

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन के जन सूचना अधिकारियों की सूची

क्रम संख्या

जन सूचना अधिकारी का नाम एवं पता

संबंधित कार्य का विवरण


सुश्री नीलम

सहायक आयुक्त (प्रशासन)/के॰सू॰प्र॰/प्र॰प्रे॰

18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग, नई दिल्ली -110016

(दूरभाष: 011-26534897/26858570 Ext. 230/285/281)


जन सूचना प्रकोष्ठ से संबन्धित कार्य ।
प्राप्ती एवं प्रेषण अनुभाग के मामले।


श्री पी॰ वी॰ साई रंगा राव उपायुक्त (शैक्षिक) एवं ई॰डी॰पी॰ (प्रकोष्ठ)
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
दूरभाष 011-26856498/26858570 Ext. 204/276)

1.  सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित काम के बटवारे के अनुसार जैसे शैक्षिक खण्ड से संबधित मामले।

3. श्री वाई. पी. सिंह

संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26564294/26858570 Ext. 211)
1.  सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित काम के बटवारे के अनुसार जैसे शैक्षिक खण्ड के संबधित मामले। 2. निदेशक जीआईईटी ग्वालियर ।
4. श्री ताजुद्दीन शेक
सहायक आयुक्त (शैक्षिक)/आरपीएस
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26965168/26858570/26565671 Ext 213/257)
1.  सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित काम के बटवारे के अनुसार जैसे प्रशिक्षण खण्ड/शैक्षिक खण्ड से संबधित मामले।
5. श्रीमती सोना सेठ
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26856564/26858570 Ext. 296)


1.  सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित काम के बटवारे के अनुसार जैसे प्रशिक्षण खण्ड/शैक्षिक खण्ड से संबधित मामले।
6॰ श्री  टी एस गिरी
अधीक्षक अभियंता
18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(दूरभाष :011-26858564/26858570 Ext. 209)
निर्माण/भूमि एवं भवन संबधित व कार्यशाखा संबधित मामले ।
7. श्री  बी ॰ बी एस पचोरी
अधिशासी अभियंता
18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(दूरभाष :011-26562402/26858570 Ext. 224)
निर्माण संबधित कार्यशाखा संबधित मामले ।

श्री गौतम बैनर्जी

॰आ॰(प्रशासन I&II)
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
दूरभाष( 011-26519161/26858570 Ext. 243

1 प्रशासन से संबधित मामले: -
(1) / विद्यालय क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय / आंचलिक शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान से संबधित मामले वी.आई.पी. संदर्भ.
(2) संसद प्रश्नोतरी संबधित मंत्रालय से संपर्क, नीति मामले, सरकारी आवास आंबटन व प्रतिधारण, विद्यालय प्रबंधन समिति.
(3) / संघ जे.सी.एम. संबधित मामले, अनुपयोगी मदों के बारे में जो सहायक आयुक्तों के अधिकारों से परे दुर्लभ व अति दुर्लभ स्थान, एसीपीमामले चिकित्सा मण्डल व स्पष्टीकरण.
(4) वार्षिक गोपनीय रिपोर्ट का रखरखाव

-2 प्रशासन: -
(1) ए.एम.ए. की नियुक्ति व सी.जी.एच. एस. सुविधा, भवन / क्रय निर्माण अग्रिम वाहन एंव ब्याज सहित अग्रिम.
(2) अधिशासी मंडल संबधित मामले, सहायक आयुक्तों कासम्मेलन.
(3) किराये पर / भवन मकान क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों / आंचलिक शिक्षा प्रशिक्षण संस्थानो के अनुपयोगी वस्तु ।


श्री संजय कुमार

संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26858570 Ext 333)


(1) लेखा परीक्षा, विद्यालय विकास निधि तथा परियोजनाविद्यालयों से संबधित मामले. (2) बजट एवं लेखा परीक्षा कोष जारी करना. (3) के.वि. सं के सभी वित्त संबधित मामले.


श्री ए॰ के॰ श्रीवास्तव

संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26512587/26858570 Ext 242)


(1) पेशंन भविष्य, निधि, उपदान तथा सेवा निवृति संबधित मामले.
रोकड विभाग., के.वि. सं के सभी वित्त संबधित मामले.


श्रीमती इंदू कौशिक

संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
( 011-26521841/26858570 Ext 221)


(1) ई॰डी॰पी॰ प्रकोष्ठ से संबंधित मामले


श्री वरूण मित्रा
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016

स्थापना -1 अनुभाग: -
(1) स्थानान्तरण, तैनाती, सेवा मामले वर्ग ए एवं बी अधिकारियों से संबधित (प्राचार्य, उप - प्राचार्य व अनुभागअधिकारी).
(2) लेखा परीक्षा के पैरों के उत्तर, पुरानी सेवा की गणना, अदालती मामले, संसद प्रश्नों के उत्तर, प्रतिवेदन अग्रेषित करना, कार्य का बंटवारा पद सर्जन करना, विदेश जाने एवं पासपोर्ट के लिए अनआपत्ति, प्रमाणपत्र वार्षिक संपत्ति विवरणी, चल अचल संपत्ति काब्यौरा स्वेच्छा रिटार्यमेन्ट स्वीकृति, उच्च शिक्षा के लिए स्वीकृति, वेतन असंगति, रोस्टर रखरखाव रिक्तियों का अदयतनीकरण, सेवापुस्तिक स्थायीकरण, वर्गए एवं बी की वरिष्ठता वर्ग ए व बी अधिकारियों के चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति करना, सरकारी आवासों का आंबटनउपस्थिति का कम्पुटरीकरण तथा रिपोर्ट। सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित काम के बटवारे के अनुसार जैसे प्रशिक्षण खण्ड/शैक्षिक खण्ड से संबधित मामले।


श्री डी॰ के॰ द्विवेदी

स॰ आ॰(सतर्कता) एवं आयुक्त के कार्यपालक सहायक

18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26963523/26858570 Ext. 216/258)
सतर्कता से संबन्धित मामले
आयुक्त सेल से संबन्धित मामले।
 सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा समनुदेशित कार्य.
14. श्री एस एस चौहान
॰आ॰(स्थापना-2 एवं 3)
संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग,
नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26857036/26858570 Ext. 217/214)

स्थापना - 2 से संबधित मामले: - (1) प्राथमिक स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर शिक्षकों के स्थानान्तरण तैनाती एवं सेवा संबधमामले, रिक्तियों का अदयतनीकरण. -3 स्थापना अनुभाग : - (1) शिक्षक वर्ग के पी.आर.टी. (म्युजिक) / टी.जी.टी. (पी एण्डएच ई) / टी.जी.टी. (डब्लू. ई.टी.) एवं गैर शिक्षक वर्ग के सहायक पद तक के स्थानान्तरण तैनाती एवं सेवा संबधी मामले।

श्री ताजुद्दीन शेक,
सहायक आयुक्त (शै॰)/(आर.पी.एस.)

18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग, नई दिल्ली -110016

भर्ती एवं पदोन्नति अनुभागः -

(1) सभी केडर्स के भर्ती एवं पदोन्नति , शिक्षक वर्ग की स्तानकोतर पद तक एवं गैर शिक्षक वर्गकी वरिष्ठता सूची, शिक्षक वर्ग सिलेक्शन स्केल प्रदान करना, गैर शिक्षक वर्ग को एसीपी प्रदान करना.


श्री आर॰ के॰ पथिक,
सहायक आयुक्त (प्रशासन)/ (वि॰सं॰)

18, संस्थागत क्षेत्र शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग, नई दिल्ली -110016
(011-26523069, 011-26858570 Ext 222)

(1) विधि एवं समन्वय विभाग – सभी अदालती मामले ।
(2) सेवा एवं आपूर्ति विभाग के मामले ।

समय प्रात: 9.00 बजे से सांय 05.30 तक



प्रतिवेदन शुल्क

10 रुपये के.वि.सं. मात्र (मुख्यालय) नई दिल्ली के पक्ष मे.


02 रूपये प्रति पृष्ठ.

अभिलेखो का निरीक्षण

पहले घण्टे का कुछ नही, इसके बाद 05 रुपये 15 प्रति मिनट.

डिसकेट / फ्लोपी

50 रूपये प्रति.

क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों में जन सूचना अधिकारी एवं अपीलीय प्राधिकारी की सूची


जन सूचना अधिकारी

अपीलीय प्राधिकारी


श्री  गिरिधारी सिंह, प्र.अ.

श्री एन. आर. मुरली, उपायुक्त


श्री  ए श्रीनिवासुलु, प्र.अ.

श्री पी देव कुमार, उपायुक्त


श्री जे॰के. महेस्वरी, प्र.अ.

श्री सुनील श्रीवास्तव, सहायक आयुक्त


श्री ए. के. भट्राचर्या, प्र.अ.

श्री ए. बी एल जे राव, उपायुक्त


सुश्री टी॰ रुकमनी, स॰अ॰ .

श्री रणवीर सिंह, उपायुक्त


श्री जानसन मैथ्यू,  स.आ. 

श्री सी. मानी, उपायुक्त


श्री ए॰सी॰ मिश्रा, सह.आयुक्त

श्री सोमित श्रीवास्तव, उपायुक्त


श्रीमती श्यामली मित्रा, प्र.अ.

श्रीमती संतोष मिरधा, उपायुक्त


श्री डी॰ पटेल, स॰आ

श्री सी नीलाप, उपायुक्त


श्री एस॰एन॰ श्रीनिवासा, प्र.अ.

श्री डी मन्निवनन, उपायुक्त


श्रीमती शाहिदा प्रवीन, सह.आयुक्त 

डा. ई. टी. अरासु, उपायुक्त


श्री के॰ के॰ यादव, प्र.अ.

 श्री जयदीप दास, उपायुक्त


श्री ए॰एस गिल, सह.आयुक्त

श्री माला संबाना, उपायुक्त


श्री सुजीत कुमार दास,  प्र.अ.

श्रीमती पी. बी. एस. उषा, उपायुक्त  


श्री टी॰ पी॰ गोड़, सह.आयुक्त

श्री अजय पंत, उपायुक्त


श्रीमती सरिता नसवा, सह.आयुक्त

श्रीमती ए. पी. भल्ला, उपायुक्त


, सह.आयुक्त

, उपायुक्त


श्री एस.के. द्विवेदी, प्र.अ.

श्री पी के कोल, उपायुक्त

ग्वालियर शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण आंचलिक संस्थान

श्री टी पी शर्मा, पीजीटी(जियो॰).

शश्री वाई. पी. सिंह, उपायुक्त

मुम्बई शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण आंचलिक संस्थान

श्री धर्मेंद्र कुमार, अ.अ. 

शुश्री ऊषा ए अय्यर , उपायुक्त

मैसूर शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण आंचलिक संस्थान

श्री एस. कालु शिलिंगम, पीजीटी.    

सुश्री एल. चारी, उपायुक्त

चण्डीगढ शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण आंचलिक संस्थान

श्री संजय चौहान (भौतिक)

श्रीमती पिया ठाकुर, उपायुक्त

भुवनेश्वर शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण आंचलिक संस्थान

श्री के पी दास, पीजीटी(अँग्रेजी).     

श्री ए.वी.एल.जे. राव, उपायुक्त


श्री आर के वशिष्ठ, स. .

श्री वाई. अरुण कुमार, उपायुक्त


श्री बी हरिबाबू  प्र.अ

श्री एस. एम. सलीम, उपायुक्त


श्री शशिकांत शर्मा, प्र.अ.

श्री एन. गोयल, उपायुक्त


श्री एम. बाबू, प्र.अ.

सुश्री चांदना मंडल, उपायुक्त


श्रीमती संध्या श्रीवास्तव

श्री टी डी एस राव, उपायुक्त


श्री डा. एन. वसंत, स.आ.

श्री एस. के. चोपदार, उपायुक्त


श्री पुष्पेंद्र कुमार, प्र.अ.

श्री एस. एस. रावत, उपायुक्त







Additional Commissioner (Admn.) and Appellate Authority



Sh. U N Khaware

Additional Commissioner (Acad.) and Appellate Authority

011-26533749 e mail

Vacant Joint Commissioner (Finance) and Appellate Authority 011-26528351, e-mail:
Dr. Shachi Kant Joint Commissioner(Pers) &  Appellate Authority  011-26858565,
Dr. (Smt.) V Vijayalakshmi Joint Commissioner(Admn) &  Appellate Authority  011-26532643, e-mail: ,
Sh. S. Vijaya Kumar Joint Commissioner(Acad) &  Appellate Authority 011-26569100, e-mail:
Dr. E Prabhakar Joint Commissioner(Trg.) &  Appellate Authority 011-26965154, e-mail:
Sh. T S Giri Superintendent Engineer &  Appellate Authority

011-26855864, e-mail :


List of Public Information Officers for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (Hqrs.), New Delhi


Name of the PIO and address

Relevant Areas of work


Ms. Neelam

KVS headquarters
18 Institutional area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016
Phone No. 011-26521579/26534897

1. Matter related to CIC
2. Matters related to Pulic Information Cell.
3. Matter related to R&I Section.


Sh. P. V. Sai Ranga Rao

DC(Acad)/EDP Cell
18 Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

( Ph. : 011-26856498/26858570 Ext. 204)


Matters related to Academic Wing as per work allocation with the approval of the competent authority.


Sh. Y. P. Singh
 DC(Acad)/(Sports)/Director ZIET Gawalior
18 Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

 (Ph. : 011-26564294/011-26858570 Ext. 211)

Matters related to Academic Matters related to Academic Wing/Sports as per work allocation with the approval of the competent authority.

Mr. Tajuddin Shaik

18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(011-26965168/011-26858570 Ext. 213)
Matters related to Academic Wing/Training Wing as per work allocation with the approval of the competent authority.
5 Smt. Sona Seth
18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(PH.: 011-26856564/26858570 Ext. 296)
Matters related to Academic Wing/Training Wing as per work allocation with the approval of the competent authority.
6 Sh. T S Giri
Supdt. Engineer
18 Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

:011-26858564/26858570 Ext. 209)
Matters related to Works Branch/Land & Building.


Sh. B B S Pachauri
Executive  Engineer .
18 Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

:011-26562402/26858570 Ext. 224)

Matters related to Works Branch & Constructions..



Sh. Gautam Bannerjee

AC(Admn)/Admn I&II

18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(Ph.  011-26519161/26858570 Ext. 243)


1. Matters related to Admn.I Section: 2. Matters related Admn. II section.



Sh. Sanjay Kumar,

18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

 (Ph.: 011-28858570 Ext 333 )

Matters related to Accounts/Finance
(1) Budget/Audit/VVN/Accounts etc.

Sh. A. K. Srivastava

18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

 (Ph.: 011-26512587/26858570 Ext. 242 )

Matters related to Accounts/Finance
(1) Cash section/NPS/Pension Scheme/PF.

Smt. Indu Kaushik

18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

 (Ph.: 011-26521841/26858570 Ext. 221 )

Matters related to EDP Cell/Acad Wing.


Sh. D K Dwivedi
Assistant Commissioner & EA to Commissioner KVS headquarters
18 Institutional area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016
Phone No. 011-26963523/26858570 Ext. 216/258

1.Matters related to the Vigilance Section.

2.Matters related to Commissioners Cell


13. Sh Varun Mitra
AC(E-I) / (Acad.)
18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(Ph. 011-26521898/28858570 Ext 223/253)
1. Matter related to E-1 section.
2. Matters related to Academic Wing/Training Wing as per work allocation with the approval of the competent authority.
14. Sh. S.S Chauhan
AC (Acad./Estt. II & III)
18 Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

( Ph. : 011-26857036/26858570 Ext 214/217/255/254 )


Matters related to Estt.2 & Estt.3 section

Sh. Tajuddin Shaik,


18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(Ph.  011-26565671/26965168/26858570 Ext 265/257/213)
Matters related to Recruiment, Promotion, Seniority.

Sh. R. K. Pathik,


18, Institutional Area
Shaheedjeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

(Ph.  011-26523069/26858570 Ext 222/256)
1. Matters related to Legal and Coordination Section.
2. Matter related to S&S Section.



Application Fee

Rs 10/- in favour of KVS (HQ) payable at New Delhi


Rs 2/- per page

Inspection of record

No fee for one hour. Thereafter Rs 5/- for each 15 minutes

Diskette or floppy

Rs 50/- each

List of P.I.O.and Appellate Authority of Regional Offices of KVS


Name of PIO

Appellate Authority


Sh. R K  Vashishtha, AC

Sh. Y Aun Kumar, DC


Sh. Girdhari Singh, AO

Sh. N. R. Murli, DC


Sria Shreenivasulu AO

Sh. P  Dev Kumar, DC


 Sh. J.K Maheshwari, AO

Sh Sunil Srivastava, AC


Sh. A.K. Bhattacharyya, AO



Ms. T. Rukmani, AC

Sh. Ranvir Singh, DC


Sh. Johnson Mathew, AC

Sh. Sh. C. Mani, DC


Sh. Akhilesh Chandra Mishra, AC

Sh. Somit Shrivastav, DC


Smt Shyamali Mitra, AC

Smt. Santosh Mirdha, DC


Sh. B Haribabu, AO

Sh. S. M. Saleem, DC


Sh. D. Patle, AC

Sh. C Neelap, DC


Sh. S.N. Srinivas, AO

Sh. D. Manivannam, DC


Smt. Shahida Parveen, AC 

Dr. E.T. Arasu, DC


Sh. K.K Yadav, AO

Sh. Jaideep Das, DC


Sh. A S Gill, AC

Sirimala Sambanna, DC


Sh. Sujit Kumar Das, AO

Smt. P. B. S. Usha, DC 


Sh. Sh. T.P. Gaur, AC

Sh. Ajay Pant, DC


Smt. Sarita Naswa, AC

Smt. A. P. Bhalla, DC 


Sh. M. Babu, AO

Ms. Chandana Mandal, DC


Sh. Shashikant Sharma, AO

Sh. Nagendra Goyal, DC


Sh. Pushpendra Kumar, AC

Sh. S. S. Rawat, DC





Sh. S.K. Dwivedi, AO

Sh. P. K. Koul, DC


Dr. N. Vasanth, AC

Sh. S K Chopdar, DC


Smt. Sandhya Srivastav

 Sh. DTS Rao, DC

Gwalior, ZIET

Sh. T.P Sharma PGT(Geo)

Sh. Y. P. Singh, Director

Mumbai, ZIET

Sh. Dharmendra Kumar, SO

Smt. Usha Aswath Iyer, Director

Mysore, ZIET

Sh. S. Kalusivalingam, TA(Maths)

Ms. L. Chari, DC

Chandigarh ZIET

Sh. Sanjay Chauhan,TA(Eng.)

Smt. Piya Thakur, DC

Bhubaneswar ZIET

Sh. K P Dash, PGT(Eng.)


Deputy Commissioner of each region is the Appellate Information Officer of the region.

The ZIET at Mysore, Mumbai, Gwalior will be under the jurisdiction of the concerned Regional Office ; i.e. Bangalore, Mumbai and Gwalior and APIO of the Region and Appellate Authority of the Region will be APIO and Appellate Authority of the ZIETs as well.


Kendirya Vidyalaya Sangathan was registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) on 15th December, 1965. The Objects for which the Sangathan has been established are detailed in the Memorandum of Association and Rules reproduced at Appendix - I. The Sangathan administers the scheme of kendriya Vidyalayas formulated by the Government of India, in the Ministry of Human Resource Development. It has a three tier Management structure with Headquarters at New Delhi; Regional Offices to manage a cluster of schools; and Kendriya Vidyalayas spread all over the country and abroad.

The KVS shall function through its General Body called the Sangathan, its Board of Governors and three standing Committees constituted by the Board viz. the Finance Committee, the Academic Advisory Committee and the Works Committee.

The Minister of Human Resource Development, in charge of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan shall be the ex- officio Chairman of the Sangathan. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development shall be the Deputy Chairman and an officer of the Ministry of Human Resource Development notified by the Government of India as per Rule 3 of the Memorandum of Association and Rules. Additioner Commissioner (Admn) shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Sangathan.

The annual general meeting of the Sangathan shall be held once a year. Special meeting may, however be convened by the Chairman, whenever necessary.

The Address of KVS is:

a)Postal Address

                              Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (Hqrs)


  18 - Institutional Area


         Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg


New Delhi - 110016


b) E-mail ID

c) WebSite

d) Fax


The Board of Governors

The Board of Governors shall be the executive body through which the Sangathan shall discharge its responsibilities to fulfill the objectives set forth in the Memorandum of Association. The Board shall be responsible for the management of all affairs and funds of the Sangathan and shall have the authority to exercise all powers of theSangathan. The Minister of Human Resource Development shall be the Chairman of the Sangathan as well as the Board of Governors.

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development who is the Deputy Chairman and the respective officers of Human Resource Development Ministry nominated as Vice- Chairman and Finance Member of the Sangathan shall function as such in the Board. Commissioner shall be ex-officio member. The Additional Commissioner (Admn) shall function as the Secretary of the Board too in his capacity as ex-officio Secretary of the Sangathan.

The Board shall meet as and when the Chairman may consider it necessary. For every meeting of the Board, at least ten days notice shall be given in writing to each member. Four members of the Board present in person shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

NOTE: Any member who ceases to be a member of the Sangathan shall ipso- facto cease to a member of the Board.


As per Rules and Regulations of the Sangathan, the Board of Governors, by a resolution has appointed three advisory committees with such powers as were felt necessary. The composition and functions of the three standing committees are as under :-



The Commissioner shall be the Executive Head of the Sangathan and the Chief Administrator of Kendriya Vidyalayas, responsible for the due discharge of the functions and policies as laid down by the Board.
At the Headquarters office in New Delhi, he shall be assisted in his work by two Additional Commissioners, five Joint Commissioners, Four Deputy Commissioners and other Officers and staff, as sanctioned and appointed from time to time.
The Commissioner shall be the Executive Head of the Sangathan and the Chief Administrator of Kendriya Vidyalayas, responsible for the due discharge of the functions and policies as laid down by the Board.
At the Headquarters office in New Delhi, he shall be assisted in his work by two Additional Commissioners, five Joint Commissioners, Four Deputy Commissioners and other Officers and staff, as sanctioned and appointed from time to time.


(A) The Additional Commissioner (Admn.) of the Sangathan shall be the Principal officer under the Commissioner, in-charge of the registered office of the Sangathan. His main functions shall be as under:
i) He shall exercise general supervision over all accounts of the Sangathan, shall pass all bills for payment on behalf of the Sangathan, shall arrange for keeping upto date accounts of the Sangathan and do all other things which are necessary and incidental to the conduct of the works of the Sangathan.
ii) He shall prepare the budget for approval of the Board of Governors.
iii) He shall attend all meetings of the Sangathan and the Board and record the proceedings thereof in the Minutes Book.
iv) He shall execute and sign on behalf of the Sangathan or the Board all contracts, deeds and other instruments, except instruments, relating to assurance of property, unless duly empowered in this regard by the Board of Governors.
v) He shall be responsible for the efficient administration of the Headquarters Office and shall be the Principal Adviser to the Commissioner in all matters concerning formulation of policies, accounts, administration and discipline.
vi) For the purpose of section E of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860), the Additional Commissioner (Admn.) shall be considered the Principal Executive of the Sangathan and the Sangathan may sue or be sued in the name of the Additional Commissioner.

(B)Additional Commissioner (Academics) shall be the Principal Officer, under the Commissioner, for looking after the academic wing of the Sangathan. He will be responsible for monitoring the progress of academic work at various levels, organisation of in-service training programmes, co-ordination of sports and games activities and implementation of language programme and co-curricular activities, etc.
He shall also be the Member-Secretary of the Academic Advisory Committee.


(A) The Joint Commissioner (Finance) shall be the Internal Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer of the Sangathan. He shall be the Member-Secretary of the Finance Committee as well as the Works Committee and shall be responsible for the co-ordination of all work related to them.
(B) The Joint Commissioner (Administration) And Joint Commissioner (Personnel) shall assist the Additional Commissioner (Admn.) in looking after all personnel matters i.e. recruitment, promotion, placement and seniority etc. of the Sangathan (Academics) And Joint Commissioner (Training) shall assist Additional Commissioner (Academics) in implementing various programmes for academic achievement and conducting in-service training programmes etc.


The work of various sections in the Headquarter Office shall be supervised at the branch level by Deputy Commissioners(Admn.), Assistant Commissioners(Admn.), Supdt. Engineer (Works), Assistant Commissioner (Fin), etc.
Deputy Commissioner (Regional Office)
The KVS shall have as many Regions as may be approved by the Board, each headed by an Deputy Commissioner, who shall be responsible for the proper administration, supervision, inspection and control of the Vidyalayas falling in the region. He shall be assisted in his work by Assistant Commissioners, Administrative Officer, Finance Officer and other supporting staff.


The main duties and powers of various officers of the Sangathan shall be as given in the subsequent Articles. All residual powers which are not specifically assigned to any of the officers shall vest in the Board. The powers shall be exercised by the respective officers in accordance with the rules and regulations in force from time to time.
(i) The Board shall generally carry out the objectives of the Sangathan as set forth in the Memorandum of Association.
(ii) The Board shall manage all affairs and funds of the Sangathan and shall have authority to exercise all the powers of the Sangathan.
(iii) The Board shall have powers to frame regulations, consistent with the Rules of the Sangathan, for the administration and management of the affairs of the Sangathan. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, these Regulations shall provide for the following:

(a) Preparation and sanction of budget estimates, sanctioning of expenditure, making and execution of contracts, investment of funds of the Sangathan and the sale or alteration of such investment, accouts and audit.

(b) Procedure for appointment of the officers and the staff of the Sangathan, the schools and other instituions managed by the Sangathan and various programmes and services established and maintained by it.

(c) Terms and tenure of appointment, emoluments, allowances, rules of discipline and other conditions of service of the officers and staff of the Sangathan.

(d) Terms and conditions governing scholarships, free ships, financial and other concessions, grant -in-aid, deputation, research schemes and projects in relation to students and staff of the schools and other institutions managed by the Sangathan.

(e) Such other matters as may by necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the Sangathan and the proper administarion of its affairs

(iv) The Board may, by resolution, appoint Advisory Boards or other committees or bodies including Local Management Committees for schools with such powers as it may think fit, and also dissolve any of the committees and advisory bodies set up by it.


The Chairman shall chair all meetings of the Sangathan and Board. He shall ensure that all decisions taken by the Sangathan/ Board are implemented. He shall have powers equal to those exercised by a Minister of the Government of India. He shall exercise such other powers as may be delegated to him by the Sangathan or the Board, provided that the action taken in exercise of such powers shall be reported at the next meeting of the Sangathan or the Board, as the case may be.

The Deputy Chairman shall chair the meetings of the Board/Sangathan in the absence of the Chairman. The Chairman may, in writing, delegate such of his powers to the Deputy Chairman, as may be necessary.


The Vice-Chairman shall chair the meetings of the Board/Sangathan in the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman . He shall function as the Chairman of the all the three Standing Committees of the Sangathan viz. Finance Committee, Academic Advisory Committee and Works Committee. He shall be the appointing authority for Joint Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners.


(a) Administrative Powers
(1) The Commissioner shall be the Principal Executive Officer of the Sangathan and subject to any decision that may be taken by the Board, he shall be responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the Sangathan and the properties and institutions such as the schools, playgrounds, gymnasia hostels, residential quarters for teachers and other employees etc. under the direction and guidance of the Chairman and the Board.
(2) To make appointment to all posts at the Headquarters and Regional Offices as well as Vidyalayas, corresponding in status to Group ‘A’ excluding Deputy Commissioner and above, on the recommendation of the Appointment Committee/ DPC.
(3) To post, transfer and assign any duties to all officers and staff at the Headquarters and Regional Offices as well as Vidyalayas.
(4) To create posts in Kendriya Vidyalayas for teaching and non-teaching categories.(5) To create posts for the Headquarters/ Regional Offices of the Sangathan for a period up to six months.
(6) To approve probation and grant confirmation to Group ‘A’ officers (including Joint Commissioner).
(7) To forward applications of Group ‘A’ Officers of the level of Deputy Commissioners and above of the Headquarters and Regional Offices for posts outside the Sangathan subject to any general orders.
(8) To depute all the employees of the Headquarters of the Sangathan, Regional Offices and Vidyalayas for training abroad, subject to general directions, if any, given by the Board.
(9) To inspect and supervise the working of the Vidyalayas and to issue directions for development of education in Kendriya Vidyalayas to Principals and other officers of the Headquarters
(10) To approve and prescribe text books for all classes including those recommended by the Central Board for classes IX to XII.
(11) To formulate plans and schemes for development of higher education on the lines of the scheme embodied in the Kendriya Vidyalayas Scheme and to obtain the approval of the Board and the Government of India.
(12) To grant permission to all employees of the Headquarters, Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas to write books, or to prosecute higher studies, or to take up other literary work.
(13) To prescribe admission, examination and promotion rules for Vidyalayas.
(14) To prescribe school timings of Vidyalayas, Vidyalaya term, Vidyalaya year, vacation and other breaks.
(15) To prescribe the Headquarters and territorial jurisdiction of Deputy Commissioners and other officers of the Headquarters office.(16) To grant scholarships and stipends to students in accordance with the scheme approved by the Board.
(17) To issue orders on the analogy of FR9(6)(b) of the Compilation of the Fundamental Rules that employees of the Sangathan in certain circumstances be treated as on duty. In the case of deputation of an employee abroad, this power shall be subject to the concurrence of the Finance Member of the Sangathan.
(18) To dispense with a medical certificate of fitness in respect of Group C and D employees before their appointment.
(19) (a) To sanction advance increments in a time-scale to staff of Vidyalayas on their initial appointment, subject to the recommendation of the Selection Committee. (b) To sanction advance increments in a time-scale to non-teaching staff of the Vidyalayas up to a maximum of five increments on initial appointment, subject to the recommendation of the Selection Committee.
(20) To permit an employee of the Sangathan to undertake work for which a fee is offered, subject to the maximum of Rs. 5000/- in each case.
(21) To sanction leave to Additional Commissioners, KVS.
(22) To require Group `A’ officers to produce medical certificate of fitness on return from leave on medical grounds.
(23) To extend leave of Group `A’ officers in order to regularise overstayal of leave.
(24) To decide whether an employee is vacational or non-vacational staff.
(25) To accord administrative approval and expenditure sanction in respect of all construction and maintenance works.

(b)Financial Powers

The Commissioner shall have powers analogous to the powers of the Head of the Department under the Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, Central Treasury Rules, Medical Attendance Rules and KVS (Employees) Provident Fund Rules.


(a)Administrative Powers

(1) To make appointment to all posts corresponding in status to Group B at the Headquarters and Regional Offices on the recommendations of Selection Committees.

(2) forward application of Group `B’ officers of Headquarters and Regional Offices.

(3) approve probation and grant confirmation to Group ‘B’ officers including Vice-Principals of Vidyalayas.

(4)To forward applications of all Group `A’ officers of Headquarters, Regional Offices and Vidyalayas other than Deputy Commissioner and above for posts outside the Sangathan subject to any general orders.

(5) grant permission to Group A and B officers of the Headquarters office as well as Vidyalayas for appearing at public examination.

(6)To grant leave to officers of Group ‘A’ in the KVS Hqrs. and Deputy Commissioners of the Regional Offices.

(7)To look after the welfare of the employees of the Sangathan.

(8) To extend leave of Group ‘B’ Officers in order to regularise the overstayal of leave.

(9)To allow change in the name/surname of Group `A’ officers of KVS upto the level of Joint Commissioner in KVS HQrs/ Regional Offices and Vidyalayas.

(b)Financial Powers

He shall have powers analogous to powers under the Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, Central Treasury Rules, Medical Attendance Rules and KVS Employees’ Provident Fund Rules as detailed in Appendix II.


(a)Administrative Powers

(1)To arrange seminars, refresher courses, in-service training and workshops etc.

(2)To depute officers of the Headquarters office of the Sangathan and Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas for training in India and for participation in educational programmes, seminars and conferences in India where such training/ participation is considered to be in the Sangathan’s interest, subject to general directions, if any, given by the Board.

(3)To approve and prescribe text books for classes I to VIII.

(4)To promote physical education and issue directions for organising sports and games meets and other ancillary activities.

(5)To look after the welfare and professional education (including in-service training) of teachers and other staff of Vidyalayas.

(6)To grant permission to Vice-Principal and Group ‘B’ officers of Headquarters, RO’s to write books or to prosecute higher studies.

(b)Financial Power
He shall have powers under the Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, Central Treasury Rules, Medical Attendance Rules and KVS Employees’ Provident Fund Rules as detailed in Appendix II.

JOINT COMMISSIONER(Adminstration/Personal

(a) Administrative Powers

(1) To make appointment to all Group ‘C’ posts of Headquarters of the Sangathan and Regional Offices.

(2) To grant leave to Group B Officers at Headquarters Office and Regional Offices.

(3) To approve probation and grant confirmation to Group C employees of Headquarters Office, and Regional Offices.

(4) To grant permission to Group ‘B’ officers at the Headquarters of the Sangathan for appearing at public examination.

(5) To act as Controlling Officer for purposes of travelling allowance in respect of Group B officers at the Headquarters of the Sangathan and Regional Office.

(6) To sanction annual increments in the prescribed time-scale to Group A Officers.

(7) To require Group A & B employees to produce a medical certificate of fitness on return from leave.

(8) To extend leave of Group C employees in order to regularise overstayal of leave.

(b) Financial Powers

He shall have powers analogous to powers under the Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, Central Treasury Rules, Medical Attendance Rules and KVS Employees’ Provident Fund Rules as detailed in Appendix II.


(a) Administrative Powers

(1) To depute Group C officers at the Headquarters of the Sangathan for training and for participation in educational programmes, etc where such training / participation is considered to be in Sangathan's interest subject to general directions, if any given by the board.

(2) To assist the Additional Commissioner in the Formulation of plans and Schemes for development of higher education on the lines of the scheme embodied in the Kendriya Vidyalaya Scheme.


(a) Financial Powers

(1)To function as the Secretary of two Standing Committees – Finance Committee and Works Committee of the Sangathan.

(2)To advise the Commissioner in financial, accounting and audit matters pertaining to the Sangathan and its constituent units.

(3)To supervise the day to day work of the Budget and Finance, Audit and Accounts sections at the Headquarters of the Sangathan.

(4)To inspect the accounts of the Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and Headquarters Office and to issue suitable instructions, wherever necessary.

(5)To call for such information from the Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and the Headquarters office as may be required for the preparation and sanction of Budget Estimates, preparation of Annual Accounts and processing of objections raised in internal as well as external audit.

(6)To manage the affairs of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Employees’ Provident Fund, Group Insurance Scheme etc.


(a)Administrative Powers

(1)To make appointments to teaching and non-teaching posts in Group B and C in Vidyalayas except that of Vice Principal and Group ‘D’ posts of Regional Office.

(2)To approve probation and grant confirmation to the Group B and C employees in Vidyalayas, except Vice-Principals, and Group ‘D’ employees of Regional Offices.

(3)To forward applications of employees upto Group B (including Vice-Principals) of Vidyalayas and Regional Offices for posts outside the Sangathan but not for the posts abroad and to grant permission for registration with the Employment Exchange.

(4)To grant permission upto Group B (excluding Vice-Principal) of Vidyalaya and Regional Offices for appearing at public examination.

(5)To depute teaching staff of Group B (excluding Vice-Principals) and Group C establishments of the Vidyalayas and Regional Office for training/participation in educational programmes in India etc. where such training/ participation is considered to be in the Sangathan’s interest.

(6)To inspect and supervise Vidyalayas to ensure that curricular and co-curricular activities are properly carried out in the Vidyalayas and to suggest improvements, if any.

(7)To inspect, supervise and to suggest improvements in the administration of Vidyalayas.

(8)To allow alteration in the name/surname of the Group B, C & D employees of the Vidyalayas, excluding Vice-Principals.

(9)To look after the welfare of the employees of the Vidyalayas/ Regional office.

(10)To grant permission to the Group B and C employees of Vidyalayas/ Regional Office (excluding Vice-Principals) to prosecute higher studies or to write books or to take up any literary work.

(11)To issue orders on the analogy of FR 9(6) of the Fundamental Rules in respect of Group C employees of the Vidyalaya/ Regional Office that an employee in certain circumstances be treated as on duty, subject to such instructions as may be issued.

(12)To transfer Vidyalaya staff other than the Principals and Vice-Principals from one place to another within the Region subject to general orders of KVS HQrs from time to time in this regard.

(13)To dispense with a medical certificate of fitness in respect of Group C employees of Vidyalayas and the Regional Office.

(14)To sanction annual increments to Group C and D employees of the Regional Office and Principals and Vice-Principals of the Vidyalayas in the prescribed time-scale.

(15) To sanction the undertaking of work for which a fee is offered and an acceptance of the fee by the staff of the Vidyalaya (other than the Principal) and the Regional Office subject to a maximum of Rs.2500/- (Rupees two thousand and five hundred only) in each case.

(16)To grant leave preparatory to retirement and refuse leave etc. to Group B and C employees of Vidyalayas.

(17)To grant leave to Group B, C and D employees of the Regional Office.

(b) Financial Power

He shall have powers analogous to powers under the Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, Central Treasury Rules, Medical Attendance Rules and KVS Employees’ Provident Fund Rules as detailed in Appendix II.


The work of various sections and other supporting staff in the Headquarters office shall be supervised by various Officers at the Branch level as per distribution of work approved by the Commissioner.


The functions of the Assistant Commissioner shall be as under :

1)To assist the Deputy Commissioner in administrative functions;

2)To supply resources needed by teachers and Principals; > 3)To assist in continuous and comprehensive evaluation ;

4)To encourage experimentation and innovations;

5)To guide and assist the teachers in CCA fields;

6)To develop programmes for slow and gifted children;

7)To guide to achieve excellence;

8)To draw programmes in special areas of curriculum – Vocational Education, Work Experience, Physical Education, Arts, Music etc.

9)To act as specialist in certain fields;

10)To give demonstration lesson.


(a)Administrative Powers

(1)To function as the administrative head of the Vidyalaya and to act as the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the staff employed in the Vidyalaya, subject to detailed instructions given in this regard in the Accounts Code.

(2)To engage teachers on part time/ contractual basis as PRT/TGT/PGT subject to relevant instructions in this regard.

(3)To make appointments to Group D posts and to approve probation and grant confirmation of Group D employees in the Vidyalaya.

(4)To forward applications of Group C and D employees of the Vidyalaya for posts outside the Sangathan except posts abroad and to grant permission for registration with the Employment Exchange.

(5)To grant permission to Group C and D employees of the Vidyalaya for appearing at public examination.

(6)To implement the instructions and policies of the Sangathan in respect of curricular and co-curricular activities, and to take steps to bring about healthy development of the Vidyalaya in all fields.

(7)To administer the Vidyalaya on sound lines and to develop healthy teacher-pupil relationship.

(8)To be responsible for the proper maintenance of accounts and school records, service-books of teaching and non-teaching staff, returns and statistics as prescribed by the Sangathan from time to time.

(9)To look after the welfare of the employees of the Vidyalaya.

(10)To handle the official correspondence relating to the Vidyalaya and to furnish within the prescribed dates all returns and information required by the Sangathan.

(11)(11)To formulate and to submit to the Deputy Commissioner for approval, proposals for teaching staff, furniture, laboratory equipment and teaching aids etc. well before the commencement of the academic session.

(12)To make all payments including salaries etc. of teachers and other staff in time and according to rules. > (13)To ensure that tuition fees, where levied and Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (VVN) are realised and credited to the relevant Account in time.

(14)To make purchase of stores etc. required for the Vidyalaya in accordance with the prescribed procedure, to enter all such stores in Stock Register, to scrutinize the bills and make payment.

(15)To conduct physical verification of Vidyalaya property and stocks at least once a year and to inspect the stock registers occasionally to ensure their proper maintenance in accordance with the rules.

(16)To be responsible for proper utilization of the Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi for which a separate account shall be maintained. This account will be operated and the funds will be utilized in accordance with the rules laid down by the Sangathan from time to time.

(17)To make satisfactory arrangements for supply of drinking water and other facilities for tiffin time for the pupils and to ensure that the school building and its fixtures and furniture, office equipment, laboratories, play grounds, school garden etc. are properly and carefully maintained.

(18)To grant to his Vidyalaya local holidays, not exceeding seven in an academic year for educational and other bonafide purposes.

(19)To supervise, guide and control the work of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Vidyalaya.

(20)To be overall in-charge of admissions in the Vidyalaya, preparation of school time-table, allocation of duties to teachers, provision of necessary facilities to teachers in the discharge of their duties and conduct of examinations and tests in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Sangathan from time to time.

(21)To plan the year’s academic work in advance in consultation with his colleagues and to hold subject committee and staff meetings at least once a month to review the work done during the month, and to assess the progress of the pupils.

(22)To help and guide teachers and promote their professional growth by actively encouraging their participation in courses designed for in-service training.

(23)To promote initiative of teachers for self-improvement and encourage them to undertake experiments which are educationally sound.

(24)To encourage teachers for study of the curriculum and syllabus in use with a view to analyse the objectives of teaching of various topics and adapting instructional programmes, with due regard to inter-subject co-ordination. Such study would be particularly necessary when a new curriculum or syllabus is introduced.

(25)To ensure that the teacher’s diary is maintained in a manner that (i) it helps the teacher in his day to day work and (ii) it helps others to understand and appreciate his work.

(26)To supervise class room teaching and secure co-operation and co-ordination amongst teachers of the same subject area as well as of other subjects.

(27) To provide special help and guidance to teachers newly entering the profession.

(28)To plan and prescribe a regular time-table for the scrutiny of pupils’ written work and home assignment and to ensure that their assessment and correction are carried out effectively.

(29)To make necessary arrangements for organising special instructions for the pupils according to their need.

(30)(30)To inform the teachers about the new rating schedule which may be prescribed from time to time for assessing their yearly work. To evaluate their work objectively and also to bring to the notice of the Deputy Commissioner/ Sangathan meritorious work done or successful experiments undertaken by any teacher to improve the Vidyalaya.

(31)To organise and co-ordinate various co-curricular activities through the House System or in any other effective way. > (32)To periodically organise educational excursions after proper planning.

(33)To develop and organise the library resources and reading facilities in the Vidyalaya and ensure that the pupils and teachers have access to and use books and journals of established values and worth.

(34)To encourage the formation of parent teacher associations in order to establish contacts with and secure co-operation of parents/ guardians in the programmes of the Vidyalaya.

(35)To send regularly the progress reports of the students to their parents/ guardians and to show the answer books of half-yearly and session ending examination to the parents on demand.

(36)To promote amongst pupils physical well-being, high standards of cleanliness and healthy habits, and to arrange two medical examinations of the students in an year and send medical reports to parents/ guardians.

(37) To sanction increments of all staff of the Vidyalaya excluding Vice-Principals in the approved time scales.

(38)To sanction leave other than leave preparatory to retirement and refuse leave to teachers and non-teaching staff of the Vidyalaya in accordance with the rules laid down by the Sangathan.

(b) Financial Powers :

The financial powers of the Principal shall be as defined in the Accounts Code.


The Vice-Principal shall work under the overall guidance of the Principal and will attend to whatever duties are specially assigned to him by the Principal. Some of these could be as follows :

(a)To assist the Principal in matters of academic co-ordination, preparation of school time-table, co-ordination of Subject Committee meetings, scrutiny of pupils’ written work and home assignments, co-ordination of the school examinations and timely dispatch of progress card of students to parents, etc.

(b)To organise various co-curricular activities of the school including games and physical education.

(c)To develop and organise resources of the institution such as the school library, laboratories, teaching aids, etc.

(d)To assist the Principal in the purchase of books and journals for Library and suitable equipment for Laboratories.

(e)To look after the physical upkeep and cleanliness of the school and proper maintenance of property and stock. To assist the Principal in conducting physical verification of school property and device procedures for its careful and proper maintenance.

(f)To exercise certain specific administrative powers assigned to him when the Principal is either on leave or away from the Vidyalaya on duty.


(a) When the vacancy is of less than two months' duration : During the absence of the Principal from the Vidyalaya, whether on account of illness or otherwise, the Vidyalaya whether on account of illness or otherwise, the Vidyalaya Management Committee may call upon the senior-most PGT or teacher of that Vidyalaya to take over charge of the duties of the Principal, provided that there is no Vice-Principal posted in that Vidyalaya. The teacher so appointed will be in charge of routine duties of the Principal in addition to his own. No charge routine duties of the Principal in addition to his own. No charge allowance will be admissible for such officiating arrangements, but an intimation shall be sent to the Regional Office about the arrangements made by the Vidyalaya Management Committee.

(b) (b) When the vacancy is of more than two months duration : In case of vacancies exceeding two months, the person to be appointed will hold current charge of the duties of the Post of Principal. Such arrangements shall be made after prior consultation with the Deputy Commissioner of the Region. Such of the members of staff as are appointed to hold current charge of the duties of Principal, shall be entitled to draw a charge allowance of Rs 300/- per month in the manner indicated below provided the officiating period is for more than two months:

(i) A Post-Graduate Teacher promoted as Vice-Principal and posted simultaneously as In charge Principal may be given the option either to draw the pay of the Post of Vice-Principal or the pay and allowance of Post-Graduate Teacher plus charge allowance. The option will be exercised within one month of his appointment as In charge Principal. > (ii) If a Vice-Principal is appointed as In charge Principal of the School in which he is already working as Vice-Principal, in the absence of Principal, he may be allowed to draw the charge allowance in addition to his pay as Vice-Principal provided the post of Vice-Principal held by him is not filled.

(iii) Where a Vice-Principal is transferred as In charge Principal to some other school, he would continue to draw the pay of Vice-Principal only.

(iv) When a Trained Graduate Teacher is posted as In charge Principal for over 2 months, he will be entitled to draw charge allowance of Rs 200/- per month in addition to his pay as TGT.


(1) The Headmaster will be responsible for running primary sections under the overall guidance of the Principal and perform the under mentioned duties:

a) To function as a Supervisor of the Primary Department.

b) To help and guide the Primary Teachers.

c) To organize workshops for the Primary Teachers for curriculum and syllabi in use, with a view to analyzing the

objectives of teaching of various topics and adopting the instructional programmes suitable to them.

d) To ensure that the teachers diaries are maintained properly.

e) To ensure that lesson plans/unit plans are prepared regularly.

The procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability is given below:






       Dy. Chairman



          Vice Chairman





Additional Commissioner (Academics)


         Additional Commissioner (Administration)

J.C (Acad) J.C(Trg.)


J.C(Admin) J.C(Finance) J.C(Personal)

D.C(Acad) D.C.(Sports)


D.C.(Admn.) D.C.(Admn. & Finance)




Cheif Functionary -Principal Principal as the reporting authority of the school staff



CheiCheif Functionary - Deputy Commissioner Assistant Commissioner is the reporting authority of Principal & staff and Deputy Commissioner is the receivng authority.



Chief Functionary - Commissioner


KVS has its own set of Rules and Guidelines governing its functioning. These rules are compiled in KVS Education Code and KVS Accounts Code.


Documents pertain to KVS dealing with Academics, Administration, Personnel, Finance, Legal documents, vigilance documents and policy papers forwarded by M/HRD.

Some of the documents are of confidential and classified nature pertaining to employees of KVS and, therefore, can not be made available for public circulation. OffiOfficer wise details are given below:

Additional Commissioner(Admn) ------- I/c Administration and Chief Vigilance Officer
Additional Commissioner(Acad) ------- Academic Matters
JC(Finance) ------- Financial matters
JC(Admn) -------Estt.II, III and RPS
JC(Pers.) ------- Estt. I, Admn.I, II & L&C
JC(Training) ------- Training of teachers and staff
JC(Acad) ------- Academic matters & admissions
DC(Admn.& Finance) ------- Admn. & Finance matters
DC(Acad) ------- Academic matters



Sl. No.

Name of Officer


Tel. No.


Sh. Santosh Kumar Mall





Additional Commissioner (Admn.)



Sh. U. N. Khaware

Additional Commissioner (Acad.)



Dr. E Prabhakar

Joint Commissioner (Trg.)



Dr.(Smt.) V Vijayalakshmi 

Joint Commissioner (Admn.)




Joint Commissioner (Fin.)



Sh. S. Vijay Kumar

Joint Commissioner (Acad.)



Dr. Shachi Kant

Joint Commissioner (Pers.)




Supdt. Engineer



Deputy Commissioner (Admn)



Sh. P. V. Sai Ranga Rao

Deputy Commissioner(Acad.)



Sh. Y. P. Singh

Deputy Commissioner (Acad.)




Deputy Commissioner(Trg.)




Deputy Commissioner(Fin.)



Smt. Sona seth

Assistant Commissioner



Sh. D. K. Dwivedi

Assistant Commissioner



Sh. Tajuddin Shaik

Assistant Commissioner(Acad)



Sh. S. S. Chauhan

Assistant Commissioner (Acad)



Ms. Neelam

Assistant Commissioner (Admn)



Sh. A. K. Bhardwaj

Assistant Commissioner (Fin)



Sh. Sanjay Kumar 

Assistant Commissioner (Fin)



Sh. Varun Mitra

Assistant Commissioner (Acad)



Sh. R K Pathik

Assistant Commissioner (Admn)



Sh. Gautam Banerjee

Assistant Commissioner (Admn)